Auto attendant. Greet callers with messages and menus that direct them to the desired contact. It provides credibility and makes your business appear professional by routing calls more efficiently, and it replaces the need for a receptionist.
Hunt Group Calling. Phone calls are distributed from a single number to a group of several phone lines.
Find me, follow me. Callers can reach you on an alternate phone if you are away from your office phone.
Conferencing. Enables you to have multi-parties participate in a call.
Voicemail. Allows callers to leave a voice mail for you when you are not able to answer the phone.
Extension Dialing. This feature lets you to access another user's extension directly, without going through an attendant.
Mobile Integration. When combined with a virtual softphone, your Hosted Phone System transforms into a feature-rich, web-based phone, that can be used from a desktop, laptop or any mobile device.
Online Portal. With the Hosted Phone System online portal, administrators can manage their Hosted Phone System without the need to call another party to make configuration changes, , modify settings, change reporting, etc.